
I am not so new here

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20.4.2022 09:53:07 reposted from juozaspo

Find manually installed packages that has other packages depending on it on Debian based systems

Running command below generates a list of packages that can be marked as automatically installed, as long as apt-rdepends package were already installed. It generates a script that can be used to mark all found packages as manually installed.

echo \#\!/bin/bash >; apt-mark showmanual|xargs -I{} sh -c '[ "{}" = "$(apt-rdepends -r --state-follow=Installed --state-show=Installed {} 2>/dev/null)" ] || echo apt-mark auto {}' >>

It can be modified to mark packages automatically if preferred instead of writing to a script

apt-mark showmanual|xargs -I{} sh -c '[ "{}" = "$(apt-rdepends -r --state-follow=Installed --state-show=Installed {} 2>/dev/null)" ] || apt-mark auto {}'

Before running apt-get autoremove run it with pretend mode (-s), e.g

apt-get -s autoremove --purge

Mark any package not desired to be removed with

apt-mark manual <package>
18.1.2022 11:25:35 reposted from updates

DO NOT USE backup tool

Please, do not use backup tool. It downloads large numbers of images in short time which leads you to be banned from my hosting. Kyselo then looks completely down from your IP while other connections are completely OK.

I got banned this way. (massive facepalm)

I hope no one other got banned this way. If you know about someone, please let them contact me via my other contacts listed here.

In the near future I will move Kyselo to my own server which I acquired from my friend. There will be proper backup system with big ZIP files generated server side.

5.9.2021 22:09:20 reposted from severak

I am going on vacation

I am going on vacation next week. I will be back at Monday 13th September.

I am staying at place where there is no internet connection not even any computer, so I cannot fix Kyselo if it's broken at this time.

But keep shitposting, I want to see new memes when I am back.

8.10.2020 19:14:44 reposted from updates

many faces of Kyselo

Kyselo is primarily a social network, but can be used in other ways:

  • as your own personal meme storage
  • as bookmark manager (very powerful when using with tags as described in last update)
  • (in fact those were original functions of my private instance when there were no other users)
  • as personal journal/diary
  • as youtube playlist

For those last two functions I added new views of your blog/group which can be enabled on your settings tab.

And now something completely different - stats:

  • we are alive for 86 days (0 years 2 months)
  • we have 139 users
  • and 35 groups
  • most active user is @gpkvt with 3009 posts
  • most active group is @memes with 125 posts
  • there are about 137 post per day
  • of these 73 are originals (no reposts)
5.9.2020 12:28:44 reposted from nowhereman

Die Neojakobiner

In der Geschichte gab es mehrere Moral- und Tugendregime, die den Kreis des Erlaubten immer enger und den der Sünder immer weiter zogen. Girolamo Savonarolas Herrschaft der Eiferer in Florenz (inklusive Kindersturmtrupps, die Fanciulli) Johannes Calvins Diktatur in Genf, Robespierres Jakobinerzeit. Alle dauerten erstaunlich kurz, denn alle übten ihre Macht durch ständige Verschärfung von Anklage und Urteilen aus, wodurch sie unablässig die Zahl ihrer Gegner vergrößerten. An einem bestimmten Punkt setzten sich Leute zusammen, die wahrscheinlich unter normalen Bedingungen nicht zusammengefunden hätten, um durchzukalkulieren, was sie riskieren, wenn sie sich verweigern, und was sie verlieren, wenn sie sich unterwerfen. Immer kamen sie zu dem gleichen Ergebnis.

(A. Wendt)

21.7.2020 09:16:33 reposted from sofia

Sohn von US-Bundesrichterin erschossen, Ehemann angeschossen. Der Mörder hatte sich als Paketbote verkleidet. Die Richterin ist Vorsitzende in einem Gerichtsverfahren gegen die Deutsche Bank.
Also SO einen klaren Fall von Selbstm, äh, einem verwirrten Einzeltäter hatten wir ja schon lange nicht mehr!



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