
I am new here
12.4.2021 21:21:08 reposted from updates

make web colourful again!

Firstly I would like to thank you for all the donations. One especially make me feel proud because it contained this text:

thank you for our new home 3

Do you know what else can make you feel like at home? Nice wallpapers and colors...

There is one big difference between old and the new web and that is level of customization.

On the new internet you can only change your profile photo, maybe a cover photo. On the old internet you can go full geocities if you want to.

Famous example of this was My Space, which spawned entire generation of CSS coders. Interesting fact about it is that it was actually bug not a feature. In Kyselo custom.css is actually a feature. Now you can enable hacker mode or full neon experience.

You can write your own CSS, generate it by our brand new CSS generator 3000™ or shamelesly copy it from others.

Also I have fixed annoying bug which disabled adding YouTube videos and improved the way of resizing images in CSS

And now something completely different, the numberz:

  • we are alive for 269 days (0 years 8 months)
  • we have 146 users
  • and 42 groups
  • most active user is @gpkvt with 3070 posts
  • most active group is @memes with 235 posts
  • there are about 64 post per day
  • of these 32 are originals (no reposts)
12.4.2021 21:19:50 reposted from paket


Seit zehn Jahren kloppen sich Oracle und Google vor Gericht.

Oracle hat ja Sun gekauft, und damit die Rechte an Java.

Google hat Android gekauft, das war ein kleines Startup, und die haben voll auf Java gesetzt, aber um Oracles Trademarks nicht zu verletzen und keine Lizenzgebühren zahlen zu müssen, haben sie nicht das Sun/Oracle-Java genommen sondern einmal die APIs nachprogrammiert.

Oracle hat dann vor Gericht gemeint, sie besäßen aber "geistiges Eigentum"-Rechte an den APIs und dafür müsse Google Lizenzgebühren zahlen.

Der Supreme Court hat jetzt Google recht gegeben.

Alles andere wäre auch echt furchtbar geworden. Dann könnte auch SCO Linux verklagen, oder Microsoft könnte WINE plätten. Emulatoren wären tot.

Insofern war das auf jeden Fall die richtige Entscheidung.

Allerdings hat das Gericht da (wie üblich) versucht, einer Grundsatzentscheidung aus dem Wege zu gehen, damit sie nicht nochmal einen Klopper wie Citizen United fabrizieren.

Und so haben sie nicht generell entschieden, dass APIs nicht unter Copyright fallen, was meines Erachtens die richtige Ansage gewesen wäre, sondern sie haben bloß entschieden, dass Google hier Fair Use gemacht hat, d.h. eine Ausnahme vom Copyright greift. Damit ist natürlich zukünftigen Verfahren Tür und Tor geöffnet, ab wann ein API-Nachbau nicht mehr unter Fair Use fällt.

12.4.2021 21:17:10 reposted from looque



12.4.2021 21:15:05 reposted from juozaspo


reposted by looque
12.4.2021 21:13:38 reposted from juozaspo


reposted by looque
12.4.2021 21:13:18 reposted from juozaspo


reposted by looque
8.4.2021 23:14:07

make web colourful again!

Firstly I would like to thank you for all the donations. One especially make me feel proud because it contained this text:

thank you for our new home 3

Do you know what else can make you feel like at home? Nice wallpapers and colors...

There is one big difference between old and the new web and that is level of customization.

On the new internet you can only change your profile photo, maybe a cover photo. On the old internet you can go full geocities if you want to.

Famous example of this was My Space, which spawned entire generation of CSS coders. Interesting fact about it is that it was actually bug not a feature. In Kyselo custom.css is actually a feature. Now you can enable hacker mode or full neon experience.

You can write your own CSS, generate it by our brand new CSS generator 3000™ or shamelesly copy it from others.

Also I have fixed annoying bug which disabled adding YouTube videos and improved the way of resizing images in CSS

And now something completely different, the numberz:

  • we are alive for 269 days (0 years 8 months)
  • we have 146 users
  • and 42 groups
  • most active user is @gpkvt with 3070 posts
  • most active group is @memes with 235 posts
  • there are about 64 post per day
  • of these 32 are originals (no reposts)

reposted by looque naich telu
3.4.2021 13:37:01 reposted from looque


3.4.2021 13:36:38 reposted from looque



3.4.2021 13:36:20 reposted from memes


30.3.2021 19:26:36 reposted from juozaspo

The users who attempted to login to my server so far...

30.3.2021 19:25:42 reposted from looque



30.3.2021 19:25:16 reposted from looque



30.3.2021 19:25:05 reposted from looque



26.3.2021 17:30:21 reposted from looque


26.3.2021 17:30:16 reposted from looque

26.3.2021 17:22:38 reposted from looque



22.3.2021 17:59:45 reposted from dychterfyrst

22.3.2021 17:57:24 reposted from looque



22.3.2021 17:57:16 reposted from looque



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