
Raumfahrtagentur - Hackerspace - Berlin

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8.9.2022 04:14:28

Gallische Feldwespe an Inkagurke (Polistes dominula; Cyclanthera pedata)

reposted by animals
8.9.2022 03:37:13

xkcd 1205: Is it worth the time?

from https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/is_it_worth_the_time.png

8.9.2022 01:06:24 reposted from fail

5.9.2022 23:56:15

(c) by OL (ol-cartoon.de)

4.9.2022 09:50:12 reposted from juozaspo

reposted by dit
3.9.2022 12:48:19 reposted from juozaspo

from http://i.imgur.com/VVNeW.jpg

1.9.2022 00:58:30 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/b7hl6eyx9dk91.png

1.9.2022 00:47:16

A German federal state police realm (Nordrhein-Westfalen) gives lessons in drug-related emoji use:

Polizei Nordrhein-Westfalen: "Emojis? Die sind doch harmlos!" Ja - meistens. Aber Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel. Denn auch wenn Emojis von Teenagern vor den Augen ihrer Eltern millionenfach verwendet werden, sind sie mitunter längst nicht so harmlos, wie sie aussehen! Ein Thread. (1/7)"[...]

from https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FbeeKSgX0AEFQLg?format=jpg&name=small

reposted by severak dit
26.8.2022 00:04:00 reposted from juozaspo

from https://malborghetto.loforo.com/afmvj

reposted by dit
25.8.2022 22:13:13 reposted from severak

from https://einhornzorro.loforo.com/aocsc

reposted by dit
25.8.2022 22:10:57 reposted from fail

25.8.2022 22:09:54 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/7exwie5783391.jpg

reposted by dit
25.8.2022 11:53:06 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/j2tyqtrtso491.png

22.8.2022 22:22:56

three European hornets (Vespa crabro) harvesting sweet tree sap from a bark injury of a lilac branch (Syringa spec.)

reposted by dit
18.8.2022 19:32:57

Janet Jackson’s ‘Rhythm Nation’ assigned CVE-2022-38392 for crashing laptops

... or another reason not to play 1989's Rhythm Nation – it messes with some hard disk drives:

"[...]It turns out that the song contained one of the natural resonant frequencies for the model of 5400 rpm laptop hard drives that they and other manufacturers used.

The manufacturer worked around the problem by adding a custom filter in the audio pipeline that detected and removed the offending frequencies during audio playback. [...]"

This now has been filed officially as CVE-2022-38392 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-38392).

reposted by kalesor
18.8.2022 03:12:11

honey bee spending the night outside the hive in high summer, got stunned by temperature and the aroma of cumarin from sweet clover (Melilotus spec.)

reposted by kalesor
18.8.2022 01:10:15

seeds of Nelkenwurz (Geum urbanum; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geum_urbanum)

18.8.2022 00:27:22

two bumblebees and a thistle blossom (real photography; not an openAI dall-e promt input term)

reposted by kalesor
18.8.2022 00:06:46 reposted from juozaspo

Tetris Shapes Pillow Set from StarGallery

from https://lucja.loforo.com/tetris-shapes-pillow-set-from-stargaller

14.8.2022 20:38:03 reposted from looque

13.8.2022 20:07:30

reposted by dit
13.8.2022 19:08:21 reposted from looque

9.8.2022 22:44:07

reposted by dit
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