
Raumfahrtagentur - Hackerspace - Berlin

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9.8.2022 22:27:02

(current visual claim of a japanese electronic parts reseller/broker)

reposted by dit
6.8.2022 12:47:11

António Guterres' (UN Secretary-General) virtual remarks to Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate

[...] For decades, many in the fossil fuel industry has invested heavily in pseudo-science and public relations – with a false narrative to minimize their responsibility for climate change and undermine ambitious climate policies.

They exploited precisely the same scandalous tactics as Big Tobacco decades before.   

Like tobacco interests, fossil fuel interests and their financial accomplices must not escape responsibility. [...]

António Guterres

(from https://www.un.org/sg/en/content/sg/speeches/2022-06-17/secretary-generals-virtual-remarks-major-economies-forum-energy-and-climate%C2%A0)

4.8.2022 22:53:02 reposted from fail

from https://hussa.loforo.com/ctqxi

reposted by dit
4.8.2022 03:28:16 reposted from memes

4.8.2022 03:06:58 reposted from fail

4.8.2022 00:10:04 reposted from berlin

Von Wegen Lisbeth - Elon (Offizielles Musikvideo)

Von wegen Lisbeth - Elon Musk kommt nich ins Berghain

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VytLIqlLxek

2.8.2022 09:02:26 reposted from dit

r.i.p.Uhura †30.7.2022

30.7.2022 00:40:13 reposted from juozaspo

29.7.2022 05:57:57 reposted from dit


from https://youtu.be/3YlwESdlRnE

28.7.2022 00:12:57 reposted from webdev

A special file system structure made with intention of breaking bad bots

It is made in the way that causes the bot to browse recursive symlink structure slowing it down in the process where it's left preocuppied with that and that takes long enough before it can traverse the other content of the site. An example file structure is shown below, the directory containing such items must be excluded using robots.txt and link must not be shown to regular visitors and proper bots (hidden, witdth/height with value of 0, nofollow tag, etc)

files/misc/test -> ../..
secret/less/stuff -> ../more
secret/more -> ..

reposted by dit
27.7.2022 03:32:58

honey bee visiting Verbascum spec. in the early morning breeze

reposted by kalesor
26.7.2022 12:26:00

26.7.2022 01:35:34 reposted from juozaspo

23.7.2022 02:57:08 reposted from juozaspo

from https://teisei.loforo.com/ua15u

20.7.2022 01:02:16 reposted from fail

reposted by dit
19.7.2022 19:40:26 reposted from larrygreensky

Little yellow flower (Hypochaeris radicata) growing beside the street in summer heat. It's usually noticed as a pest plant; a tiny sign explanes that it can stand 70 C° and the plant is associated with bees. 

from https://twitter.com/HaraldGrunsky/status/1549126816996237312/photo/1

reposted by dit larrygreensky
18.7.2022 23:52:16 reposted from pmusicp

Electric Light Orchestra - Here Is the News (Official Video)

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bzehb_yeZtU

17.7.2022 23:49:28

reposted by dit kalesor
17.7.2022 21:29:36 reposted from juozaspo

reposted by wonko
17.7.2022 21:29:08 reposted from juozaspo

17.7.2022 21:27:50 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/6jrm4dkv8wa91.jpg

17.7.2022 21:26:17 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/ffnganw0tnb91.jpg

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