No. 3 reactor building at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant: The last of the 566 spent nuclear fuel rods is lifted from the No. 3 reactor’s storage pool on Feb. 26. Rubble can be seen strewn across the pool. (Provided by Tokyo Electric Power Co.)
Fefes Blog:
Gute Nachrichten! Sie haben die Brennstäbe aus dem havarierten Fukishima-Reaktor rausgeholt!Also alles gut jetzt? 10 Jahre später? Eher nicht, nein.
With regard to the No. 1 and No. 2 reactors, which went in meltdown after the quake and tsunami disaster knocked out cooling systems, a combined 1,000 spent fuel units remain in their storage pools.TEPCO is aiming at starting the removal work at the two reactors in fiscal 2024 or beyond.
und weiter:
Apart from the spent fuel, 800 to 900 tons of melted nuclear fuel remain in the No. 1 through No. 3 reactors.
from http://public.potaufeu.asahi.com/e6a9-p/picture/25578860/ee6a6037c2432f054e20e759a65ec491.jpg