2.8.2020 08:38:54 reposted from dosengemuese

reposted by wonko
2.8.2020 08:35:43 reposted from merelygifted

She Got It Right

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2fMegj_RUU

2.8.2020 08:32:45 reposted from looque

reposted by merelygifted
2.8.2020 08:32:21 reposted from looque

reposted by merelygifted
2.8.2020 08:32:09 reposted from looque

2.8.2020 08:31:02 reposted from startrek

2.8.2020 08:25:33 reposted from nowhereman

reposted by looque oneyeyed
2.8.2020 08:25:14 reposted from nowhereman

2.8.2020 08:22:01 reposted from chrizzal


2.8.2020 08:19:42 reposted from larrygreensky

reposted by merelygifted
2.8.2020 08:16:17 reposted from gpkvt

2.8.2020 08:15:10 reposted from gpkvt

reposted by oneyeyed
2.8.2020 08:14:30 reposted from gpkvt

2.8.2020 08:13:21 reposted from gpkvt

2.8.2020 08:13:07 reposted from gpkvt

1.8.2020 21:01:46 reposted from sofia

1.8.2020 21:01:30 reposted from wonko


27.7.2020 16:16:19

i am on vacation

I am on vacation in the nature, without any internet access. This means that this week:

  • no new features
  • no new bugs
  • no shitpost
  • no responding on anything

I hope this will help me to renew my sanity and energy stats. :-)

-- @severak

reposted by merelygifted
22.7.2020 00:09:03 reposted from updates

kyselo has new home

as you probably noticed - kyselo has new home - kyselo.eu.

For now it stays on the same hosting as it was before - so you cannot post porn yet. Sorry.

I added feature requested by @chosneck - a list of all users (use this to find your friend from Soup). I also added list of followed blogs to each friends page and a list of members to each group.

I did more little changes - for example blog avatars are now displayed as 50px wide thumbnails, not in full size.

And now some numbers:

  • there are currently 113 registered users
  • each day several new people appear
  • 75 people already posted something
  • @desinteressement is biggest poster - he already posted 666 times (sic!)
  • we already have 10 groups (and several abandoned)

Yours truly @severak

PS: please, do not advertise Kyselo on Loforo, the don't like it and may ban you.

PS2: stole memes from them. :-)

reposted by fichtefoll wonko
21.7.2020 21:25:30 reposted from sofia

earth's land mammals by weight: https://xkcd.com/1338/

from https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/land_mammals_2x.png

reposted by rinder
21.7.2020 19:59:32

reposted by oneyeyed
21.7.2020 19:21:22 reposted from rinder

soup.io apparently was bought by "a well known australian entrepreneur" who claimed few hours ago that "soup.io was originally an Australian social networking and microblogging website"

21.7.2020 19:20:28 reposted from nowhereman

reposted by looque
21.7.2020 19:18:05 reposted from filo86

reposted by malborghetto
21.7.2020 19:17:31 reposted from severak

21.7.2020 11:42:24 reposted from schaaf

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