2.12.2022 12:49:06

AI is the future

(This is img2img with NovelAI’s anime curated model according to some redditor)

from https://i.redd.it/vsh9dl6cnd3a1.jpg

30.11.2022 17:01:35

Jun Togawa - Teinen Pushiganga (English Subs)

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hvi9iQh5w4

29.11.2022 22:30:04

so supposedly this is a greenland shark and it's nearly 400 years old. holy shit.

from https://i.redd.it/c759wtod4n2a1.jpg

29.11.2022 21:59:05 reposted from desinteressement

29.11.2022 15:16:57

Mario de Biasi | Gamba de legn, 1951.

reposted by trains
28.11.2022 22:45:26 reposted from pointless

26.11.2022 22:46:31

from https://i.redd.it/xlb03u0rqns61.jpg

reposted by dit
25.11.2022 21:23:26

USA/Canada Border

from https://i.imgur.com/jiTQz.jpeg

25.11.2022 11:04:18

Cool website that shows you how far a train can take you in 5 hours

from https://www.chronotrains.com/

reposted by dit kalesor larrygreensky
25.11.2022 02:30:12

by Emma Roulette

reposted by animals
25.11.2022 00:09:31

from https://i.redd.it/aleksj651cb61.jpg

reposted by tank
24.11.2022 20:41:33

Canadian Rockies, Alberta

by Known-Communication9

from https://i.redd.it/oaj65ma6opf81.jpg

24.11.2022 17:10:59

from https://i.imgur.com/i7VC64D.jpeg

reposted by sofia
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