19.11.2022 14:16:04

status page

Kyselo now has monitoring page. There are two servers which are monitored:

  • Kapybara - my own linuxbox which is used to run chat server
  • Kyselo - kyselo itself which run on hosting

19.11.2022 14:13:11 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

cover art of Kitaro's "from the full moon story" ('78)

19.11.2022 13:11:45 reposted from severak

19.11.2022 12:13:01

19.11.2022 00:14:15

reposted by memes
18.11.2022 23:52:29 reposted from desinteressement

reposted by looque gpkvt
18.11.2022 23:52:09

reposted by memes dit
18.11.2022 23:42:13

reposted by desinteressement
18.11.2022 23:37:21

recording today...

21.11.2022 22:07:20
is it a Kawai K1 ?
21.11.2022 23:22:41
yes, it's Kawai K1
16.11.2022 00:13:30

reposted by memes
15.11.2022 16:45:30 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/baf2g6bvsrf81.jpg

15.11.2022 08:53:58

A Thousand Plateaus by Marcel Deneuve

from https://i.redd.it/0spc3qk0z5k81.jpg

reposted by ciasto
14.11.2022 23:28:12

from https://i.redd.it/v71e288xm2b51.jpg

reposted by kalesor
14.11.2022 16:32:18 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/v8uvn22ydhz91.png

reposted by telu
14.11.2022 14:44:16

from https://i.redd.it/z022jipffgq81.jpg

15.11.2022 16:49:24
please use NSFW on these explicit green screen texts.
15.11.2022 23:52:48
I'm sorry the shadowman posted this
14.11.2022 11:09:10

北地水乡 by artist Ya lun

from https://i.redd.it/02isabb7s9391.jpg

14.11.2022 10:38:34

Waren Sie schon mal in Baden-Württemberg?


from https://i.redd.it/id4xl8jj2my91.jpg

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