
just setting down my things from evacuating

 tags  RSS

18.7.2020 23:32:54 reposted from pointless

18.7.2020 12:55:33

17.7.2020 21:18:05 reposted from pointless

reposted by silentrule
17.7.2020 17:50:41 reposted from paket

Es gibt eine letzte Chance, Soup zu retten

<h2>40.000 Euro und laufende Kosten</h2>

Pambalk-Rieger bietet einem potenziellen Käufer an, den Web-Dienst samt der gesamten Hardware, dem Quellcode und der Daten um etwa 40.000 Euro zu verkaufen. Er würde Soup dazu auf die URL migrieren. war der letzte Versuch des damaligen Startups rund um Gründer Christopher Clay, den Dienst ins mobile Zeitalter zu führen, und als eine Art Antwort auf die damals neue Facebook-Timeline konzipiert.

Laut Pambalk-Rieger müsste man neben dem Kaufpreis mit Monatskosten von etwa 1.950 Euro rechnen, diese würden Housing inklusive Internet-Uplink und dem Stromverbrauch abdecken. Um zumindest diese Kosten zu decken, müsste man etwa das Werbegeschäft wieder ankurbeln oder versuchen, Mitgliedsbeiträge bei den Nutzern einzuheben. Auch müsste man die veraltete Software auf aktuellen Stand bringen – die Website kann etwa kein Responsive Design.


Just as a wild Idea, if someone thinks he could pull this one off, i would maybe be in with it, with let's say 10k.If the Rest works..

17.7.2020 17:38:44 reposted from cats

17.7.2020 01:53:22 reposted from severak


I really like to see influx of new users to Kyselo.

I fixed some subtle bugs and made some improvements to make it more usable. Most visible changes are new homepage and error messages.

I already have some ideas what to improve:

  • implement comments, mentions and notifications
  • make CSS more mobile-friendly
  • make user blogs stylable
  • built-in RSS client and usable RSS output (to achieve some sort of decentralization)
  • have proper domain and hosting
Please give me some time to implement this. Also - if anybody is interested in contributing graphics / CSS / javascript / money / domain, please, let me know.

Also checkout and discord group.

16.7.2020 20:30:55

same tree, you could hide 2 douzend greeks in here,if the park were in Troja

16.7.2020 20:29:27

took the pictue from inside the tree

16.7.2020 19:17:08 reposted from enn0

reposted by ubza
16.7.2020 19:16:52 reposted from riserise

fingers crossed

reposted by dychterfyrst foobar123
16.7.2020 15:20:02

Find ich konsequent :-)

16.7.2020 13:01:17

Dear Verschwörer , i get that you are concerned about all of us. And happy that you found another Place to reach all of us. But could you slow it down a bit until we are all here? It slowly turns into a One Man Show.

16.7.2020 12:09:36 reposted from dychterfyrst

16.7.2020 12:08:54 reposted from rinder

reposted by dychterfyrst
15.7.2020 19:17:45 reposted from annebonny

15.7.2020 13:22:37


15.7.2020 11:09:34

That should be told more often,i think

15.7.2020 11:07:11

Just some important Stuff, for the Historians.

reposted by foobar123
14.7.2020 22:55:06 reposted from foobar123

14.7.2020 22:54:38 reposted from geek1

14.7.2020 22:53:13 reposted from foobar123

14.7.2020 22:52:56 reposted from wonko

14.7.2020 17:03:14 reposted from chosneck

14.7.2020 16:53:14 reposted from severak

14.7.2020 16:50:05

So, i'm gonna wait here and see who made it out in Time.


Timeline speed: 6.75 posts per day


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