
nothing to see, move along.

16.11.2020 09:05:46 reposted from looque



21.10.2020 22:14:08 reposted from desinteressement


21.10.2020 16:05:37 reposted from updates

100 days of shitposting

today it's 100 days after Kyselo was succesfully installed.

But it dates way longer than that:

  • back then in 2011 I found and registered an account here.
  • in 2015 I actually created first version of Kyselo, this time just on paper and later as HTML mockup.
  • in 2017 I started to write my diary. I used Soup for this purpose but  Soup was all 500s and no the stability, so I started work on a clone, which went live three days before Christmas.
  • in 2020 as part of ongoing apocalypse, was shut down. So I started Kyselo project.

Today Kyselo has small but nice community. Development somewhat stalled, but new features are still being developed. Kyselo is free to use, but there is donate button which is actually used - I spent those money in tape recorders and stuff.

Finally, some numbers:

  • we are alive for 100 days (0 years 3 months)
  • we have 141 users
  • and 36 groups
  • most active user is @gpkvt with 3028 posts
  • most active group is @memes with 142 posts
  • there are about 124 post per day
  • of these 65 are originals (no reposts)
18.10.2020 10:04:44

reposted by dogs kalesor
17.10.2020 18:49:33 reposted from abledowa

17.10.2020 18:49:23 reposted from juozaspo


17.10.2020 18:48:26 reposted from juozaspo


17.10.2020 18:47:12 reposted from enn0

17.10.2020 18:45:43 reposted from enn0

17.10.2020 18:41:35 reposted from juozaspo


12.10.2020 20:08:24

Footy McVanSeat

12.10.2020 20:06:29

reposted by naich kalesor
11.10.2020 11:52:52 reposted from cats


8.10.2020 19:14:44 reposted from updates

many faces of Kyselo

Kyselo is primarily a social network, but can be used in other ways:

  • as your own personal meme storage
  • as bookmark manager (very powerful when using with tags as described in last update)
  • (in fact those were original functions of my private instance when there were no other users)
  • as personal journal/diary
  • as youtube playlist

For those last two functions I added new views of your blog/group which can be enabled on your settings tab.

And now something completely different - stats:

  • we are alive for 86 days (0 years 2 months)
  • we have 139 users
  • and 35 groups
  • most active user is @gpkvt with 3009 posts
  • most active group is @memes with 125 posts
  • there are about 137 post per day
  • of these 73 are originals (no reposts)
4.10.2020 17:37:23 reposted from gpkvt

4.10.2020 17:35:08 reposted from gpkvt

4.10.2020 17:34:14 reposted from merelygifted

Daily Kos - Trump is hospitalized, COVID-19 is exploding across the GOP, and the experts have been sidelined

It’s now clear that Donald Trump lied to the nation about when he received a positive test for COVID-19. Trump was known to be ill, showing symptoms, and receiving treatment over a day before publicity around Hope Hicks’ diagnosis forced Trump to admit even a sliver of the truth. But if Trump trotting off to Minnesota and New Jersey to get his infectious face up close with supporters seems bad, what’s going on at the White House since then seems even worse.

Since Trump was hustled off by helicopter to Walter Reed Medical Center to receive “beyond state of the art” care, a number of White House aides have been seen on camera wearing masks and apparently taking COVID-19 more seriously. But as The Atlantic makes clear, the key phrase is “on camera.” Because behind the scenes, nothing has changed. Not only are senior officials still prowling the halls without masks, and without regard for social distancing, they’re continuing to act as if nothing has changed—and that disregarding science and lying to the public are the only possible strategies.

One thing that should be hitting Americans like a Category 5 s#it show at this moment: There are no experts to turn to. Trump has spent months attacking and diminishing the FDA and CDC, and in a crisis there seems to be no effort at all to revive their status. But what about the team that Trump himself put together? Where is Dr. Anthony Fauci? Where is Dr. Deborah Birx? Why is it that, at this critical point where Trump is sick, White House aides are sick, and Republican officials up and down the line are reporting more and more positive results in a growing superspreader event, the National Coronavirus Task Force is completely missing in action?

Over at the Daily Beast, an interview with Fauci makes it clear that the coronavirus task force actually stopped being a concern some time ago: “We used to meet seven days a week. Then five days a week. We’re now meeting one day a week and at most two times a week,” said Fauci. And when the task force does meet, Fauci says they talk more about the economy than the virus. Fauci mentions that Trump still spends at lot of time with retired radiologist Scott Atlas, but since Atlas’ job is to promote quackery and downplay the need for testing, he’s of limited use in an actual crisis.

The truth is that, after destroying the pandemic response team, Trump created his own COVID-19 team … then destroyed it. There’s no longer even a pretense of a national response to the pandemic.

As multiple outlets have reported, even Republican donors can’t figure out why Trump and his crew are so dedicated to blowing off COVID-19, even as Trump is tapping an oxygen tank before he heads for the hospital. Those donors aren’t exactly thrilled about being part of an indoor meet and greet conducted at a small table more than a day after Trump was aware he had tested positive for the disease.  ...

3.10.2020 13:33:44 reposted from gpkvt

3.10.2020 13:32:54 reposted from gpkvt

3.10.2020 13:32:29 reposted from gpkvt

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