25.9.2022 02:05:39 reposted from dit

Fatboy Slim - What The Fuck

from https://youtu.be/5IOZ8CilhAE

24.9.2022 22:32:09 reposted from pmusicp

Das Rätseltier von Ingolstadt- Ingolstadt (bzw. Lauterbach) ist "Happy".

from https://youtu.be/bJVkYi42CXI

20.9.2022 12:03:52

reposted by kalesor
16.9.2022 16:46:27

15.9.2022 15:30:04

10.9.2022 03:44:45 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

"Avoid overtime, think of the unemployed!" (Germany, approx. 1925)

from https://www.dhm.de/fileadmin/medien/lemo/images/xp997308.jpg

8.9.2022 11:10:23 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/tcbz72rw2dx71.jpg

3.9.2022 08:13:40

FaulenzA - Streunender Punk (alte Version)

from https://youtu.be/SZFyO0Qm_yU

31.8.2022 09:25:19 reposted from dit

Icke und Er - Berliner Girls

from https://youtu.be/ObFYtLSrQjc

25.8.2022 14:06:05 reposted from looque

25.8.2022 13:29:17 reposted from looque

25.8.2022 13:26:09 reposted from looque

25.8.2022 13:22:09 reposted from juozaspo

25.8.2022 13:17:26 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/x6m5q4a7k0q61.jpg

13.8.2022 21:44:16

reposted by naich
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