Juozas's Dump

A growing collection of anime, photos and any other kind of weird content.
[Tumblr|​X/Twitter|​Pillowfort|​Loforo|​Mastodon] [Random post]

15.8.2022 07:37:46 reposted from looque

14.8.2022 19:04:28 reposted from looque

14.8.2022 19:04:07 reposted from looque

14.8.2022 19:03:52 reposted from looque

13.8.2022 21:44:16

reposted by naich
13.8.2022 19:58:11

Custom CSS Complete

13.8.2022 17:32:47 reposted from reactions

13.8.2022 17:32:16 reposted from reactions

13.8.2022 17:32:08

reposted by gifs juozaspo
13.8.2022 17:30:50 reposted from reactions

13.8.2022 17:30:39

reposted by gifs juozaspo dit
13.8.2022 17:29:20

reposted by juozaspo memes tank
13.8.2022 17:11:21

There's an extra space in the user name link for posts posted to a group. It becomes more obvious when used along with custom css.

13.8.2022 13:13:02 reposted from looque

13.8.2022 13:12:48 reposted from looque

12.8.2022 22:02:03 reposted from severak

I took really hilarious picture today

reposted by dit
12.8.2022 22:01:56

I took really hilarious picture today

reposted by cats
12.8.2022 21:44:11 reposted from juozaspo

from https://8agienny.loforo.com/7bsn

12.8.2022 17:05:54 reposted from severak

PK 14 - 埃及的雨

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKLCsPouL14

12.8.2022 17:05:50

PK 14 - 埃及的雨

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKLCsPouL14

reposted by pmusicp
11.8.2022 20:53:29

reposted by juozaspo
11.8.2022 13:05:14 reposted from juozaspo

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